This article described three new species of mouse lemurs that were discovered in Madagascar. These gorgeous little creatures were recently found in the South and East portion of Madagascar. There are now 24 species of mouse lemur now known! These three new lemus lemurs have been named
Microbeus ganzhorni (Ganzhorn's mouse lemur after a research Professor Jorg Ganzhorn who has performed a lot of research on mice lemurs in recent decades),
Microcebus manitatra, and
Microcebus borha found onthe Island of Nosy Boraha.
Mouse lemurs are small, nocturnal primates endemic to Madagascar - it is very challenging to tell different species apart unless one uses genetic testing. This recent discovery is emblematic of how unique wildlife in Madagascar is, and how we still have so much to learn and discovery about the country, it's wildlife, and surroundings. I hope to see some when we visit!
Author:Ashley Jowell
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