Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Pat Wright Interview - Michaela

This is an interview w/ Pat Wright, which I found wonderful.  What I was floored by, though was that she got interested in primates because she had a pair of owl monkeys as pets! It’s shocking to me that a primatologist would be okay with having any kind of primate as a pet, though I can’t quite place why.  Her questions about gender roles and her experiences with them herself were actually what led her to primatology. She was the primary caretaker in her family, but the male monkey actually took care of the baby monkey most of the time. She was so fascinated by this that she went to graduate school to do her dissertation on it, and well, you all know the rest from Emma's wonderful presentation.


  1. It's interesting that you bring up that question of owning primates while becoming a primatologist. I take it part of your surprise stems from the fact that humans and lemurs have a common ancestor, and the implications of keeping kin, no matter how distant, as pets? Perhaps we'll revisit this question 'round the campfire, so to speak, in Madagascar. Please do bring it up again!
    - E

  2. Thank you
    lemur pet
