Wednesday, June 8, 2016

8 Facts about Madagascar - Ashley

This article titled "Factbox: Forget lemurs - Eight things you didn't know about Madagascar" told 8 facts about Madagascar. Although it seemed a bit pedantic, I actually found the facts pretty helpful to know before arriving! I have summarized the facts here, check them out:

  1. Madagascar is the 4th biggest island (home to 5% of the species on this planet!)
  2. It is "not African"; was originally settled by migrants from Indonesia and Malaysia! There are 22 ethnic groups!
  3. Malagasy society is united by the concept of "fihavananan" --> kinship, friendship, and goodwill
  4. The plague still exists in Madagascar
  5. Madagascar is one of the poorest country's in the world, has terrible malnutrition, and only 3/10 kids complete primary school
  6. 2013 was the end of a political coup beginning in 2009
  7. There are many different taboos in Madagascar ("fady") that varies based on the region , such as a taboo against drying sweet potatoes!
  8. When someone dies, all of his cows are killed  / livestock --> "death destroy wealth" and can have a terrible impact on kids and families


  1. Thank you
    lemur facts

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