Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Madagascar's tiny Jewish population -- Lark Trumbly

121 Malagasy people converted to Orthodox Judaism last month, establishing Madagascar's first, and so far only, Jewish community. Many Malagasy, according to the Times of Israel, believe they are descended from ancient Jewish tribes, although archeological evidence is scarce. Nevertheless, prominent Jewish Malagasies believe returning to Judaism is a return to their pre-colonial roots, and see conversion as an assertion of colonial independence. Madagascar's Jewish community prays exclusively in Hebrew, which is not one of Madagascar's widely-spoken languages to say the least. Orthodox Judaism dictates strict observance of the Sabbath, avoiding touching menstruating women, and maintaining a kosher diet. This latter is particularly difficult in Madagascar, as it has very little kosher food available besides fish and dairy products. Community leaders are hopeful for its future, though, and estimate that there are over a hundred more potential converts in the immediate area.


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