Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reckless Driving by Cam Park

Reckless driving is a problem everywhere, but recently, this problem reached a climax in Antananarivo. Last week, Madagascans held a silent walk in the country’s capital to fight against the irresponsible behavior of commercial drivers. This even was organized in memory of the children who lost their lives to reckless driving this month. There was a recent accident last Friday where 10 people were killed, 6 of whom were primary school children. Many commercial drivers have been accused of reckless behavior like excessive speeding and passenger overload. They argue that they are trying to meet their daily financial targets in order to keep their jobs. Reckless driving has become a significant problem for Madagascar and traffic related deaths account for 2.9% of nationwide deaths. 

As a response, the Madagascan authorities announced that all drivers will be required to get biometric licenses by next Jun and all offenders would be penalized once this ruling goes into effect.

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