Monday, May 9, 2016

Blue Forests

A few weeks ago, I brought the company Blue Ventures into my organism presentation; here's a post about one of their programs in Madagascar -- it's called Blue Forests. It turns out that there are roughly 4,000 square kilometers of mangrove forests recorded in Madagascar. This is the among the top five largest collection of mangrove trees in all of Africa. Mangroves are not only a source of food for neighboring ecosystems, they are known for their unusual ability to sequester carbon dioxide and take greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. Additionally, these trees protect coastline by buffering habitats from storms, small cyclones and even tsunami, they reduce erosion and pack soil, and they provide habitat for a number of marine species. Five years ago, Blue Ventures established the Blue Forests to encourage and equip communities in western Madagascar to preserve mangrove forests. A few pictures of their conservation efforts!


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