Monday, April 18, 2016

Three New Primate Species Discovered in Madagascar! - Joanna Langner

Three New Primate Species Discovered in Madagascar!

According to The Times of India, three new species of mouse lemur have been discovered in Madagascar. These creatures are small and nocturnal, and are known for their very large eyes! They now have 24 different types of species, which is 22 more than it was two decades ago.

 Like Bob told us, the best way to identify different types of species, and evolution are though genetic methods. This is what was used for the three new species of lemurs, and they anticipate that they will be able to use this method on other animals to make further discoveries. 

This discovery and use of scientific method will help scientists search further for answering the questions remaining about the biodiversity in Madagascar. 

The three species discovered are the Ganzhorn's mouse lemur (Microcebus ganzhorni), Microcebus manitatra, and Microcebus boraha. Each was named after specifics relating to the research and discovery process. 

Although these lemurs are newly discovered, they are endangered along with over 100 different types of lemurs. This is mainly due to hunting and deforestation. That is why we should all learn about conservation and how to protect animals! 

-       Jo Langner

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