Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Lemurs Really ARE Important! - Joanna Langner

I read the article “Lemur Extinctions Are Harmful to Madagascar’s Plant Life, too” and I learned that there are plants are trees that rely on a specific species of lemurs to spread their seeds for the diversity of the forest. Lemurs are extremely important to the ecosystem of Madagascar, this article stressing the important of fruit eating lemurs.
Being the unique and amazing animals lemurs are, they eat plants and fruits are poop out the seeds all over the forest. Here, lemurs are taking over the role that birds usually hold in most environments.
According to this article, at least 17 types of lemurs have become extinct. The reasons are due to a loss of habitat from the expansion of agriculture areas for palm oil and other products. A term that I had never heard that is used to describe plant that do not have seed dispenser is “orphaned” which is exactly what is happening to some plant species in Madagascar. The plant called Canarium is what is having the largest issue with this, and now has to bet on strong winds and other animals being its main dispersers.
Researcher say that this issue could grow to other species and could happen in other country, becoming a much larger problem. It is amazing to me how important each species is in an ecosystem, so matter how small or large.
-      - Joanna Langner

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