Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Madagascar red-faced after mass jail break out- Joanna Langner

Madagascar red-faced after mass jail break out: 
            As I try to get a rounded idea of what Madagascar is like, I decided to write a post on safety and police forces.
            Last Tuesday, (May 3rd 2016) there was a highly embarrassing event for the prison officials in Antananarivo (the same place that we are flying into). As a result of the three week long strike by prison workers, over 30 inmates escaped in an attempt to run away to the Indian Ocean island nation.
            The event occurred at 1:30 in the morning, and it is said it is possible that the guards helped the inmates escape, but this has not been confirmed yet.
            Out of the 37 that escaped, only 6 have been caught as of today. The justice ministry spokesman, Jeremie Napou, was very reluctant to share this information because of how embarrassing the event is. He even refuses to share exactly how this event occurred because he wants to spend time investigating first so he can give the exact, correct story. I believe he might want to wait so he can have a defense ready as well. He has claimed that the Tulear prison is has good security resources and guarding.
            The strike by the prison staff is in response to the lack of adequate transportation for inmates who need to go to court. Currently, public transportation is being used which is inefficient and dangerous.
            One of the most shocking things I read about this event is the fact that two of the inmates who are thought to have possibly escaped are two well-known and dangerous murderers.
            Let’s hope they find everyone before we get there!

Here is the link!

-      -  Jo Langner 

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